- 10 - 25 mins
- Counting, number association, fine motor, creative, directive
- Minimal mess
- Easy!
Board games offer so many opportunities for early learning. They offer a range of academic and social skills, are great fun, but sometimes can be quite expensive. So why not create your own? Furthermore, personalise your game board and make it interest based and hey presto, you’re set for a fun, meaningful learning experience!
This DIY board game is so simple, adaptable to suit varying interests and abilities, and easy to create using basic home resources. All you need is some paper, coloured markers, a dice, some interest-based toys such as cars or some sort little figurines, add a little creativity and imagination and away you go.
For us, we were inspired by the TV show Blaze and the monster machines- and this became the basis of many of our trick spaces. My son transferred his knowledge from the show and implemented it to the game board, conveying his ideas meaningfully and making the game completely child centered and directed. He partook in basic math operations- counting and number associations; engaged in creative expression, develop fine motor skills, as well as learnt the social aspects of collaborating, turn taking, sharing, waiting, and the idea of winning and losing too.
One simple game- a whole lot of learning!
What you will need

- Large easel paper
- Coloured markers
- Dice
- Toys of interest (e.g. cars)
Activity steps

Set up
- Roll out a large piece of easel paper and draw a simple board game design. I made ours like a large race-track.
- Now using your markers, draw horizontal lines around game board to create squares. These will become the playing squares and trick spots.
- Choose a square for your start and finish square.
- Now start adding some trick spots to random squares. You can be as creative as you like here! I tried to follow my son’s lead and added the game concepts to his thoughts. Here are some examples.
Zoom!- move forward 2 spaces
Blazing speed- move forward 4 spaces
Falling rocks- move back 2 spaces
Stuck in the mud- lose a turn
- Now you’re ready to play! Or if you are like us, your game board may continue to evolve as you play. Like most preschoolers my son has a vivid imagination which kept guiding our play.
How to play
- Each player chooses a toy or figure and places it at the start line. For us they were monster trucks! Your playing figures can really be anything you like.
- Youngest player starts first and rolls the dice. Move your playing figure to the corresponding number of spaces.
- Now rotating clockwise, it is the next players turn. They roll the dice and move their playing figure to the corresponding number of spaces
- Repeat the above steps, taking turns to roll the dice and move around the game board. Watch out for the trick spots!
- The player who makes it to the finish line first is the winner!
- For children who are not up to number concepts- perhaps you could make your own dice and use a colour concept. Move your playing figure to the nearest corresponding colour. E.g. your dice landed on red- move your playing figure to the nearest red square.
- For older children use two dice and practice math operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication or division.
- Be inventive, and creative with trick spots! Try thinking of basic board games and incorporate their concept. For example- snakes & ladders- use a “fast track” to get further along the board or a “black hole” to end up at the start again.
Learning Objectives

- Hand eye co-ordination
- Fine motor
- Dexterity
- Creative expression
- Math operations- counting, number association
- Social skills- turn taking, sharing, collaborating
Reference sites
We would like to acknowledge these amazing sites that have inspired us to create this activity. Thank you!