Magic paper towel art – Happy Days – Bucket Filled

Activities to have Fun,
Learn and Create

Magic paper towel art

Paper towel art is becoming a craze on social media and was one we decided we had to join in with. Whilst I wont lie, it did take us a few attempts to fine tune the experience it was a great science experiment through and through. Want an easy to set up science experience, that has instant results and allows creative expression to flow! This is for you!   

What you will need


Activity steps


Activity steps

  1. Fill your low tray with water and set aside.
  2. Now get two pieces of paper towel that are the same size. We used full sheets but upon reflection I think sustainability wise it would be better to cut one piece into half or quarters. It doesn’t really matter as long as you have two pieces the same size.   
  3. Place one piece of paper towel on another and using permanent marker draw a simple design. Start with something basic like a flower, a rainbow or a smiley face. Anything too detailed doesn’t tend to work as well.
  4. Now lift the top layer off and notice that the marker has gone through to the one underneath. Using your coloured markers, colour this piece of paper in the lines. Add extra details or parts to the design.
  5. Once finished take your black and white design and line it up on top of the coloured piece again.
  6. Carefully pick up your paper towels one on top of another keeping them together as best you can and gently place into the water. Watch the paper towel absorb the water and bleed the colours into the black lines filling the space bringing the picture to life magically with colour.
  7. To do more get more paper towel and fresh water and start again. The sky really is the limit here, try different designs, add words, secret messages. Show us your designs in the comment below!

Learning Outcomes

Reference sites

We would like to acknowledge these amazing sites that have inspired us to create this activity. Thank you!

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