Spider web washing basket – Happy Days – Bucket Filled

Activities to have Fun,
Learn and Create

Spider web washing basket

Need a quick and easy activity that will occupy your child for just enough time to get through making dinner or quickly finish what ever you might be doing? Well, this super easy spider-web activity is your answer! Quick to set up, fun to play and a great way for your child to develop fine motor, gross motor, and problem-solving skills. Best thing about this activity, is that its completely portable so that it can be nearby wherever you might be, so that you can get what you need done and supervise your child exploring at the same time. Multitasking at its best!    

What you will need


Activity steps



  1. Take your basket and some string and thread it tightly in a pattern, be as simple or as creative as you like. Make sure you tie of the send securely so your little one cannot unravel the string and get tangled among it.
  2. Now, take your objects and place/hide them inside the web.
  3. Place your basket in an area that is suitable for your child to play and where you are able to supervise and leave it for your child to explore, problem solve and discover!

Learning Outcomes

Reference sites

We would like to acknowledge these amazing sites that have inspired us to create this activity. Thank you!

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